Founding Quote of the Week

With respect to the words general welfare, I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.
- James Madison

Preamble of the Constitution of these United States.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the Common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Health Care Regulation and Control is NOT .....

Health Care Regulation and Control is NOT Constitutional. I am going to hammer and hammer until we see a revival of our Christian principles and a return to our Constitutional precepts. We cannot allow government to interfere in the daily lives. For us to bow to enslavement of the idea, "that government is the answer", as a people is for us to relinquish our inalienable rights granted by the Creator.

Our Founding Fathers were keenly aware that the seed of laziness, a lack of personal industry,and the sin of failing to take personal responsibility, would open the door to evil and greedy men to take advantage and wrest control over the population. Our selfishness will destroy the future generations. The preamble of the Constitution says "to promote the general welfare" it doesn't say to provide the general welfare. We become slaves to a false security and we fail to act when the wolf is at the door ready to devour us. The Fathers knew of this danger and placed safeguards to allow the people the governing control.

Founding Quote from a Founding Father

I will venture to assert that no combination of designing men under heaven will be capable of making a government unpopular which is in its principles a wise and good one, and vigorous in its operations.
Alexander Hamilton, speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, June, 1788

When evil men take power and authority without the consent of the people it is a travesty. When good men remain silent and complacent it is a greater evil, especially when the means are in place to prevent it. The Founders had to come up with a Constitution and ratify it. We do not. We do not have to start over,we only have to force a return to that document.

Founding Quote from a Founding Father
A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government. A feeble execution is but another phrase for a bad execution; and a government ill executed, whatever may be its theory, must be, in practice, a bad government.
Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 70, 1788

Health care is one means of complete control over the population. If allowed the government will hold illness over us. They will begin to tell us what is and who is important to society. Then they will tell us that Grandfather must be sacrificed to make way for the young and productive. It has already been fielded. The Vice-President has said as much and this President said that "We are" (the elite and government) "partners with God in the matters of life and death." Did we not see the same thing with Adolph Hitler? Did he not decide that Jews were "the problem" and in the name of securing safety and prosperity for the people murder millions?

We must not allow this tyranny to continue if we are not going to find ourselves headed down the same road. It is larger than so called health care reform. It is tyranny in the guise of caring. Government has not ability to care about anything. It is cold and unseeing mechanical. Only human beings are capable of love and compassion for our fellow man.

Citizens, we have the power. We can stop the evil and the elite. Again I say the only thing they have to fear is an enlightened knowledgeable citizenry that awakens and stands against their destructive devices. We must acquire knowledge of God's word and the Founding documents if our Republic is not going to pass from the earth to stand no more as a beacon of freedom. We must act now or it is never. It IS that serious.
Founding Quote from a Founding Father
Here sir, the people govern.
Alexander Hamilton, speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, June 17, 1788
God Bless America!

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